De Affaire Tjerk Vermaning.
Het verhaal over een amateurarcheoloog uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis. 

Dit is een nieuwe pagina.

The Bipolar Toolkit Concept.
Movie by Jan Willem van der Drift.

Recent studies have made it increasingly clear that bipolar techniques were very important in prehistory. A good understanding of the palaeolithic era is only possible with a good understanding of the bipolar toolkit concept. This movie gives an introduction to the experimental reproduction of bipolar tools and to the Paleolithic bipolar toolkit concept. The film explains that handaxe traditions are generally associated with open landscapes, while bipolar traditions are more commonly found in warmer climates. But Jan Willem van der Drift furthermore found that in Northwest-Europe the Middle-Pleistocene bipolar traditions developed during the repopulation after extreme cold-phases. When Acheulean groups migrated through lowlands where only small pebbles can be found, this lack of large stones made parents unable to teach their children how to make handaxes. Thus the next generations became specialized in the bipolar toolkit concept.

Part 1.

Part 2.